Pro Bono

Pro Bono
Klimaentscheid Essen
Scenario Visualization | Campaign
The movement "KlimaEntscheid Essen" is committed to climate neutrality for the city of Essen by 2030. As part of our effort to support non-profit organizations free of charge, we accompanied the team in creative form on their way to educate the public on current climate policy as well as the need for future climate neutrality. We created several utopian, photorealistic scenario visualizations, which offer a new, green perspective on current climate and urban development hotspots of the city of Essen.
Essen main station
The central location for city visitors overlooking the busy shopping street. The vision not only represents an improvement in the representative appearance of the city center, but also shows the untapped potential of using large roof areas for climate-neutral energy generation. Parking spaces and charging stations for e-bikes and cargo bikes open up a multimodal travel alternative to cars.
Viehofer Square
A busy intersection and gateway to Essen's north. The vision shows a new traffic routing with a focus on integrating climate-neutral vehicles as well as pedestrians into the traffic flow. Strips of blooming flowers as structural elements for the road layout improve the gray, asphalt-dominated appearance of the intersection and attract numerous insects back to the city.